
Leonardo Sandoval: Finding rhythm in the city’s soundscape

Vilcek Creative Promise Prizewinner Leonardo Sandoval brings the traditions of Afro Brazilian music to contemporary tap and percussive dance.

Leonardo Sandoval wearing overalls standing in the middle of a street.

Two NYSCF — Robertson Investigators Awarded Vilcek Prize

It was announced this week that NYSCF — Robertson Stem Cell Investigators Sergiu Pasca, MD,...

Tatiana Desardouin: “The goal is to be a culture bearer”

Tatiana Desardouin receives the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Dance for her leadership in hip-hop and house dance. As a teacher and performer, she encourages dialogue and reflection on hip-hop’s complex racial and social history.

Tatiana Desardouin lit with purple atmospheric light.

Immigrant Songs: Kultur Shock

There are many paths that lead one to emigrate and there are many roads to becoming a musician. When...

Hani Goodarzi: A multidisciplinary approach to cancer biology

Goodarzi’s passion for data science and computational biology has had a profound impact on the field of cancer biology and our understanding of metastasis.

Hani Goodarzi stands in a park with arms folded and smiles.

At the Met, Andrew Bolton Is the Storyteller in Chief

Andrew Bolton, curator at the Costume Institute, early this month at the Metropolitan Museum of Art....

Tomasz Nowakowski: Navigating the Mind’s Mysteries with Science

Learn about 2024 Vilcek Creative Promise Prizewinner, Tomasz Nowakowski, a celebrated neuroscientist known for his advancements in gene regulatory networks and lineage tracing.

Tomasz Nowakowski standing in his lab, smiling with his arms crossed.

Dayton Art Institute opens “Ralston Crawford: Air + Space + War”

The exhibition tracks the influence of World War II and aviation on the American Modernist artist.

Painting of a plane crash with debris from the aircraft, buildings, and landscape, including a bicycle.

Luciano Marraffini: Working to Decode the Genetic Revolution

Uncover the story of Vilcek Prizewinner Luciano Marraffini, a trailblazer in CRISPR-Cas systems, whose research is revolutionizing microbiology and genetics.

A close up of Luciano Marraffini with an out-of-focus Manhattan bridge behind him.

Worlds Inside: Manga Explores the Work of Biochemist Mohamed Abou Donia

The second in our manga series honoring Vilcek Foundation Prizewinners, developed in partnership with Hiroki Otsuka.