
Great Immigrants: The Pride of America

Download PDF Carnegie Corporation of New York salutes the legacy of Andrew Carnegie and other...

Moving on up: The Vilcek Foundation announces several new positions

The Vilcek Foundation is pleased to announce that Rick Kinsel, our longtime executive director, has been promoted by the board of directors to the position of president. Rick has been with the Vilcek Foundation since its inception, and the promotion reflects his ongoing commitment to the organization and its expansion in scope.

2025 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Visual Arts and Curatorial Work

Apply now for one of the six $50,000 prizes eligible to young, immigrant visual artists and curators who demonstrate outstanding early achievement.

2025 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science

Apply now: for one of the three $50,000 prizes eligible to rising foreign-born biomedical scientists who demonstrate outstanding early achievement.