About the Object
In this still life drawing of a plate of fruit, four bananas are stacked atop one another on the right-hand side of the oval plate. On the left-hand side, a passion fruit sits in front of a smooth, round fruit resembling an apple.
Additional Information
Still lifes of flowers and fruit proliferate in Dasburg’s art of the 1910s and ’20s, including Untitled (Still Life with Artist’s Portfolio and Bowl of Fruit), c. 1914–18, and Modernist Floral, 1921, in the Vilcek Collection. Comparing this work to Untitled (Still Life with Artist’s Portfolio and Bowl of Fruit), illustrates the evolution of Dasburg’s style in the 1910s, from a straightforward, naturalistic depiction of fruit to a Cubist-inspired interpretation.
The Artist;
Van Deren Coke, Santa Fe, NM and San Francisco, CA;
[Sid Deutsch Gallery, New York, NY];
[Owings-Dewey Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM];
Jan T. and Marica Vilcek Collection, New York, NY, 2007-2016;
Agee, William C. and Lewis Kachur. Masterpieces of American Modernism: From the Vilcek Collection. London: Merrell, 2013, pp. 29, 140-141, 263, ill. p. 141.
Agee, William C. Modern Art in America: 1908-68. London: Phaidon, 2016, p. 77, ill. p. 77.