About the Object
This Mezcala face pendant was carved and polished from unidentified mottled green stone. Scholars argue that the emphasized eyebrows, rounded eyes, and better-defined mouth of this pendant help place it in the later phase of Mezcala-style development. Mezcala pendants featuring human figures were possibly used as amulets or charms rather than the standing or temple figures that were most likely ornamental.
Additional Information
A great deal remains unknown about Mezcala-Chontal traditions originating in what is now the Mexican state of Guerrero due to a lack of archaeological excavation and analysis. However, interest in such extraordinary abstract forms has been generated since the 20th century, and scholars continue to glean more knowledge about these remarkable traditions and their context within the broader Mesoamerican world through archaeological investigation.
[Throckmorton Fine Art, New York, NY];
The Jan T. and Marica Vilcek Collection, 2006-2010;
Gift to The Vilcek Foundation, 2010;
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