About the Object
A landscape featuring rolling golden yellow hills underneath pinkish clouds in a blue sky. A pool of water in the foreground echoes the shape of the clouds and is flanked by dried plants that frame the work. A symbolic rather than realistic landscape, it is part of a group that Marsden Hartley painted in Mexico.
Additional Information
Hartley traveled to Mexico on a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1932. He arrived in Mexico City, excited to explore the archaeological museums, but struggled with the altitude and moved to south to Cuernavaca. He painted a group of symbolic landscapes in Mexico and exhibited them in February 1933 at the Galeria de la Escuela Central de Artes Plasticas, in Mexico City.
The Artist;
Estate of The Artist, Inv. #90;
Downtown Gallery/Edith Gregor Halpert, New York, NY, purchased from above, 1959-1970;
Estate of Edith Halpert, New York, NY, 1970-1973;
[Sotheby Park Bernet, Inc., New York, NY, March 15, 1973, lot 59];
Private Collection;
[Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, Inc., New York, NY];
Private Collection, Charlottesville, VA;
[Martha Parrish & James Reinish, New York, NY];
Private Collection, Dallas, TX, purchased from above, 2004-2018;
[Menconi & Schoelkopf, New York, NY, consigned by above, 2018];
Mexico City, Mexico. Galeria de la Escuela Central de Artes Plasticas. Exposicion Marsden Hartley. February 28-March 20, 1933, no. 13.
New York, NY. Downtown Gallery. Spring Exhibition. May –4, 1957.
New York, NY. Downtown Gallery. Spring Exhibition. February 23–March 19, 1960.
New York, NY. Downtown Gallery. Group Show. March 15–April 8, 1960.
New York, NY. Downtown Gallery. Group Show. November 8–December 3, 1960.
Waltham, MA. The Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University. American Modernism: The First Wave, Paintings from 1903-1933. October 4- November 10, 1963.
New York, NY. The Downtown Gallery. Supplement to Rattner Exhibition. March 3–28, 1964.
New York, NY. The Downtown Gallery. Supplement to the Kuniyoshi/Sheeler Exhibition. January 5-23, 1965.
Columbia, SC. Columbia Museum of Art. Landscape in Art, Origin and Development. January 17-February 26, 1967.
New York, NY. The Downtown Gallery. Supplement to Arthur Dove, Paintings 1911-1946. March 15-April 8, 1967.
New York, NY. The Downtown Gallery. Group Show. December 1967.
New York, NY. The Downtown Gallery. Group Show. January 1968.
Chapel Hill, NC. University of North Carolina. Fifty Years of American Art. February-March, 1968.
San Francisco, CA. Hackett-Freedman Modern. Marsden Hartley: Observation and Intuition, February 1-March 31, 2001.
Lewiston, ME. Bates College Museum of Art. Marsden Hartley: Adventurer in the Arts. September 20-November 19, 2021, p. 146, ill. pp. 144-145.
Santa Fe, NM. New Mexico Museum of Art. Marsden Hartley: Adventurer in the Arts. April 5-July 25, 2025.
G. Alan Chidsey, Trustee for the Hartley Estate. Volume of Photographs of Paintings, Pastels, Drawings and Lithographs by Marsden Hartley Washington, D.C 1944–1960. Archives of American Art, G. Alan Chidsey Papers, Inv. # 90.
Downtown Gallery Records, Artist Notebooks: Hartley, Marsden, undated, 1908-1972. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Elizabeth McCausland Papers, Catalogue Raisonne Files: Landscapes – Oils, [circa 1944-1964], Box 15, Folder 7, Frames 7-8. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Ashton, Dore. “Art: Old and New Mixed Harnett, Dove, Marin and Hartley in Show with Goldin, Doi, Tseng-Hu-Ho,” The New York Times, February 26, 1960, p. 20.
Sotheby-Parke Bernet, Inc., New York. The Edith G. Halpert Collection of American Paintings. March 14-15, 1973, no. 59, illus [np].
Salander-O’Reilly Galleries advertisement. ARTnews 92, no. 8 (October 1993), p. 11.
McCoy, Garnett. “South of the Border with Marsden Hartley: Letters to Edith Halpert, 1931–1933,” Archives of American Art Journal (Washington DC) 37, no. 1/2 (1997), illus., p. 17.
Baker, Kenneth. “Marsden Hartley: Hackett-Freedman,” ARTnews (April 2001), pp. 149-150.
Smith, Roberta. “ADAA: A Fair to Remember Starts a Month of Art Show Madness,” New York Times, March 1, 2018.
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