The Vilcek Foundation raises awareness of immigrant contributions in the United States, and fosters appreciation of the arts and sciences.
We are committed to diversity and inclusive exchange. Through our prizes, grantmaking, and art collection, we celebrate immigrant artists and scientists, and leaders who advocate for immigrant rights.
2025 Vilcek Foundation Prizewinners
The Vilcek Foundation announces its largest-ever cohort of prizewinners with the 2025 Vilcek Foundation Prizes. This year, the foundation honors 14 prizewinners with a total of $950,000 in awards in biomedical science, visual arts, and curatorial work.
Meet the prizewinners
Marica Vilcek Prize in Art History
Inspired by Marica Vilcek’s career in art history and her legacy in the arts, the Marica Vilcek Prize in Art History honors art historians, curators, and fine arts professionals whose work has a profound impact on their institutions, in their scholarship, and on arts and culture in general.
Read about the art history prize
Vilcek Prize for Excellence
The Vilcek Prize for Excellence is awarded to intellectual and cultural leaders who have had a profound impact on our society and contributed a lasting legacy in the fields of arts, sciences, and humanities.
Learn more about the Excellence prize