Juan Carlos Noguera receives the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Design for his empowering approach to product design, particularly for his work with developing accessible wheelchairs and educational tools that promote social and scientific engagement.
Born in Guatemala, Noguera came to the United States in 2013 to pursue his Master’s in Industrial Design at the Rhode Island School of Design. He now calls Rochester, NY, his home, but has returned to Guatemala to work on design programs and projects to benefit the communities he grew up in.
Noguera’s first major project, “Wheelchair Designs for Developing Countries,” sought to improve the mobility and quality of life for thousands of Guatemalans. Working in collaboration with the Transitions Foundation and Design Without Borders, Noguera developed wheelchair models that are ergonomic, durable, and repairable, and tailored to the anthropometrics of the local population, and to navigate mixed terrain. These innovations have made mobility more accessible to individuals in Guatemalan communities, and expose flaws in Eurocentric design norms.
From 2015 to 2017, Noguera co-designed the world’s first 3D electronics printer, the Voxel8 Developer’s Kit. An innovation in 3D printing and electronics, the Voxel8 liberates designers and engineers from conventional design constraints, revolutionizing consumer manufacturing by enabling the printing of functional objects. Noguera’s work on this project earned him recognition as one of the “35 Innovators Under 35” by the MIT Tech Review in 2017.

Beyond the materials he uses or the products he designs, Noguera seeks to impact people by creating designs that empower people to live and work more freely. “Design is an opportunity to effect change in people and their community,” he says. His Guatemalan heritage is a source of pride, influencing his resourcefulness, efficiency, and determination in his design work.
As a professor of industrial design at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Noguera encourages students to embrace their unique perspectives and cultures, recognizing their potential to offer fresh solutions to complex problems.

Awards and Accomplishments
- Fast Company: “Generative AI is about to upend the way designers work,” published article (2023)
- Ars Technica: “Midjourney can be a boon for Industrial Designers,” published article (2023)
- Wired Magazine: “13 Smart STEM Toys for the Techie Kids in Your Life”; “Circuit Scribe” Drone Builder Kit listed as one of 2018’s top tech toys (2018)
- Profiled by Guatemala.com (Spanish): “Life of Juan Carlos Noguera, creator of the world’s first multimaterial printer” (2018)
- Profiled by Prensalibre.com (Spanish): “Juan Carlos Noguera, an innovative and brilliant Guatemalan” (2018)
- Creative Child Award™ 2017 Kids Product of the Year: “Circuit Scribe” Maker Kit winner in the category Educational & Electronic Toys (2017)
- Academics’ Choice Award™ Winner: “Circuit Scribe” Maker Kit winner for the 2017 Brain Toy of the year (2017)
- Feature, TechAeris Gadget & Toy Reviews: “Circuit Scribe review: Learn circuits with pen and paper” on the TechAeris.com website (2017)
- MIT Technology Review: “35 Innovators under 35”: Chosen as one of the “35 Innovators under 35” Latin American award winners for 2017 (2017)
- Feature, “Dark Matter” (SyFy Network): “Nuke” 3D Printable Electric Ukulele featured in the SyFy series “Dark Matter” season 3, episode 4, played by actress Zoie Palmer (2017)
- TOTY (Toy of The Year) Awards: Activity toy of the year (nominee): “Circuit Scribe” Maker Kit nominated for activity toy of the year alongside world-renowned brands such as Crayola, K’NEX, and Lionel Brands (2017)
- Feature, Enginering.com: “Voxel8 Ships First Electronics 3D Printer to Google ATAP” (2016)
- Feature, Gizmodo.com: “This $9K Machine Could Usher in the Era of 3D-Printed Electronics” (2015)
- Feature, Geek.com: “Voxel8 3D printer can print a complete quadcopter, including the circuits” (2015)
- Feature, DigitalTrends.com: “Will you print your next PC? A reality check on 3D-printed electronics” (2015)
- Feature, 3DPrint.com (Solo): “Voxel8 Designer 3D Prints an Incredible Electric Ukulele & You Can Too!” (2015)
- Fulbright Scholar, U.S. Department of State, (2013–15)
- Runner-Up, Core77 Design Awards: Social Impact Category, First Appropriate “Tilt-in-Space” wheelchair for children in Guatemala (2013)
Follow Juan Carlos Noguera
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