Elia is the most recent project of Seattle-based singer, musician and producer Ignacio Izquierdo. The name comes from Elia Liut, an Italian aviator, who was the first person to fly over Ecuadorian territory. This reflects both Ignacio’s home city of Quito and his life of movement. A son of a diplomat, he found himself living in different countries including the United States and Italy. This sense of never being home, and at the same time always being at home, can be a blessing and a curse and is a common theme heard when talking with immigrant musicians. It’s often a muse as well. The first two EPs from Elia were made while Ignacio was living in Ecuador and featured lyrics in English. When he moved to the Pacific Northwest, he continued the project, but this time the lyrics came in Spanish, a connection to home, or at least another home. Make sure and check out the exclusive KEXP live set that features Elia performing tracks from the EP Sentir, and watch the extra interview to learn about the music, Ignacio and his unique experience.