
Brian Doan: hôme hôme hôme

An exhibition of new works by Vietnamese-born photographer and mixed-media artist Brian Doan will open this fall at the Vilcek Foundation Gallery. Entitled hôme hôme hôme, the artist’s first solo exhibition in New York City will explore his lifelong struggle with national and individual identity and reflect upon his experiences both as a child in war-scarred Vietnam and later as a young Vietnamese immigrant to the United States.

Feng Zhang: From ESL to Revolution

Credited with the development of transformative technologies such as CRISPR, Feng Zhang delights in helping others realize their potential. “Every person has their own creativity and their own way of thinking about problems,” Feng says. “That’s part of the joy too, seeing how you can help people realize an even bigger impact.”

Feng Zhang is standing in an aisle in his lab, dressed in a white lab coat.

A Prize for the Foreign-born


Iranian-born Pardis Sabeti leads the race against Ebola

Long before the first case of Ebola was confirmed in the current outbreak, biologist Pardis Sabeti and her colleagues suspected that infectious diseases were already circulating, undetected. Pardis, an associate professor at Harvard University and winner of the 2014 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise, had been working closely with the Kenema Government Hospital (KGH) in Sierra Leone to track and study another deadly hemorrhagic disease, Lassa fever, and Pardis was acutely aware of how difficult it would be to establish biologically secure environments to treat and control outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Boris Portnoy

Boris Portnoy is an honoree for the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Culinary Arts.

Dai Sil Kim-Gibson: There’s No Place Like Home

For Dai Sil Kim-Gibson, as it is for many immigrants, the definition of “home” was not a straightforward one.

Vilcek Prize for Biomedical Science Split Between Two Giants of Immunology

The Vilcek Foundation is pleased to name Richard A. Flavell and Ruslan Medzhitov as the co-winners of the 2013 Vilcek Prize for Biomedical Science. Drs. Flavell and Medzhitov, both professors at Yale University School of Medicine and investigators with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, were selected for their research that elucidated the fundamental roles of the innate immune system.

Vilcek Prizewinner Spotlight: Siki Im

Designer Siki Im believes he is who he is today because of his parents. His parents emigrated from South Korea to Germany on work visas; his father was a chemist, and his mother was a nurse. And although they did not work in the arts, “they didn’t say no,” Siki says. “They let me try things out. I think that was the biggest blessing.”

The Grand Design

On June 19, the Vilcek Foundation was pleased to partner with the Museum of Arts and Design to present “The Grand Design.” Hosted in The Theater at MAD, three winners of the 2014 Vilcek Prizes for Design — Neri Oxman, Mansour Ourasanah, and Quilian Riano — presented their works in a panel moderated by Glenn Adamson, Nanette L. Laitman Director at MAD.

Dr. Jan Vilcek Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama

At a White House ceremony today, President Obama conferred the National Medal of Technology and Innovation on Dr. Jan Vilcek, Professor of Microbiology at the NYU Langone Medical Center and President of the Vilcek Foundation. Twenty-two other distinguished scientists and innovators were also recognized for their extraordinary accomplishments in science and engineering.